Monday, 1 July 2013

Qualities of a good leader!Qualities of a Good Leadership Leadership is the process in which an individual (or group of people) is endeavoring to influence and direct efforts, attitude and interests of others into the effective and efficient accomplishment of certain established organizational or community goals. Leadership is nothing other than influencing others to a common goal, Leadership is of propounding importance to any society, this is due to the very nature and complexities of society, these complexities make the employment of leadership to be necessary to any society. There is no any way in which a group of two or more people may come together and work properly without the use of leadership as a way of achieving the goal they wish to attain. The evolution and origin of leadership is on the emergence of society itself, its difficult to look at the emergence of leadership in isolation, hence the proper way of understanding the origin and evolution of leadership is precisely looked at with connectedness with emergence of society itself. Leadership is evident in a number of aspects of human being from the lowest level of organization of a family, society level, national level, continental level to the global level. We also have leadership in religious institution, economic and in political arena; the principles of leadership are common whether they are applied in religious, political or economic arena or anywhere else. Leadership has been grouped into the following types, autocratic leadership, bureaucratic leadership, charismatic leadership, democratic or participatory leadership, laissez-faire leadership, people oriented leadership. Servant leadership, task oriented leadership and transformational leadership. Leadership has the following importance to any society, this is as follows:- Leadership is important for the initiation of actions, as the society is always in constant struggle for its life betterment, with the aid of leaders (good leaders)or leadership p for this matter, proper actions are put in place(initiated) so as to meet or exceed their expected goals Leadership plays a great role in the coordination of organizational/community activities, with leadership an organization are able to link different efforts of its members for the effective realization of the organizational goal. With leadership goals are easily planned, established well in an attainable manner for execution. Leaders (leadership) are also crucial to the society for the provision of guidance and directions, as we have societies and organization with people with diverse interest, ambitions and skills, leadership is responsible to give out directions through all this diversity so that a straight way to the attainment of society vision is realized in a most effective way. It comes a time when a leader becomes the guardian of the society he/she is serving by giving out protection and confidence to the society this is evid “he who thinks he leads, but has no followers, is only taking a walk

Leadership is the process in which an individual (or group of people) is endeavoring to influence and direct efforts, attitude and interests of others into the effective and efficient accomplishment of certain established organizational or community goals. Leadership is nothing other than influencing others to a common goal, Leadership is of propounding importance to any society, this is due to the very nature and complexities of society, these complexities make the employment of leadership to be necessary to any society. There is no any way in which a group of two or more people may come together and work properly without the use of leadership as a way of achieving the goal they wish to attain.
The evolution and origin of leadership is on the emergence of society itself, its difficult to look at the emergence of leadership in isolation, hence the proper way of understanding the origin and evolution of leadership is precisely looked at with connectedness with emergence of society itself. Leadership is evident in a number of aspects of human being from the lowest level of organization of a family, society level, national level, continental level to the global level. We also have leadership in religious institution, economic and in political arena; the principles of leadership are common whether they are applied in religious, political or economic arena or anywhere else.


 Leadership has been grouped into the following types, autocratic leadership, bureaucratic leadership, charismatic leadership, democratic or participatory leadership, laissez-faire leadership, people oriented leadership. Servant leadership, task oriented leadership and transformational leadership.
Leadership has the following importance to any society, this is as follows:-
Leadership is important for the initiation of actions, as the society is always in constant struggle for its life betterment, with the aid of leaders (good leaders)or leadership p for this matter, proper actions are put in place(initiated) so as to meet or exceed their expected goals
Leadership plays a great role in the coordination of organizational/community activities, with leadership an organization are able to link different efforts of its members for the effective realization of the organizational goal. With leadership goals are easily planned, established well in an attainable manner for execution.
Leaders (leadership) are also crucial to the society for the provision of guidance and directions, as we have societies and organization with people with diverse interest, ambitions and skills, leadership is responsible to give out directions through all this diversity so that a straight way to the attainment of society vision is realized in a most effective way.
It comes a time when a leader  becomes the guardian of the society he/she is serving by giving out protection and confidence to the society this is  evident during hard times of the society, for instance in time of wars or any other natural calamities ,during this hard time good leaders are supposed to act a role of guardianship, as a way  a good shepherd would do to his sheeps,this is almost the most valuable importance of leadership ,without a leader with guardianship capabilities when  organization/societies face stiff circumstances the society might be divided and separated like the way a group of sheep may separate when attacked by wild animal.
After a closer look at the  importance of leadership to the society, let us now look at the qualities good leadership should be embodied with ,this is as follows;-
A   good leader should be visionary and missionary, by visionary we mean that a leader should be able to envisage the future before it appears with this capability a leader will be able to make informed decisions with leadership bias, with missionary we expect a leader who have particular aim(mission) that is compatible with the interest of the society that he/she seeks to fulfill, for instance poverty eradication will be a mission of a good leader in poor African societies.
A good leader should have great level of influence and discipleship, when you lead you obviously influence others, hence a good leader will have a great level of influence who will follow him/her without the use of rewards or punishment, without  fluencies it impossible to take others to attain goals certain goals, good leader will necessary  also have people following (disciples)him a good example of this is of ancient philosophers who had followers and disciples ,this are  like the Confucius of ancient China,Aristotle,and Plato to mention just a few, they were philosophers but they also fit in leadership qualities.
 A good leader will also have a great level of goal accomplishment, when you lead what you want to reach at is the accomplishment of goals, this  leadership quality is derived from the very essence of leadership itself,  it is obvious a good leader will have so much to accomplish.
A good leader will always be an exemplary, person of high discipline, high moral moral values and cetre of reference good leader will be a good example to his followers (people you are leading) if you will have habits that are questioned you wont be able to have organized force to the attainment of organization goals, morealso a good leader should have moral values that are not questionable, most important here is for a leader to be a centre of reference to his followers.subordinates,a good example of this is Mwalimu Jk Nyerere to Tanzania, who has always been a centre of reference to most leaders to Tanzanian contemporary and aspiring leaders, it is very obvious people will be ready to respect a leader with high moral values, and leadership is built in respect, respect is the cornerstone and most important ingredient to any leadership endeavors.
It is very important for a good leader to be a person of great humility and humanist, leader should be a servant of people we have passed a society rulers and ruled, good leader  has to serve the people, this has to be bared in mind of leaders of the contemporary society this is not era where a leader becomes ruler you have to save the people and always to protect the interest of the society, if a leader lack humanist attitude will not be bothered by the problem of his/her society, but any good leader will be driven by humanist and dignity to ensure the betterment of his/her society are reached at any cost.
Conclusively, it is most important to know that without influence it is impossible to lead others, I would like to end this discussion with this favorite proverb “he who thinks he leads, but has no followers, is only taking a walk”

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